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I have always had issues with my knees, but did severe damage to them about 18 months ago. After so many years of issues, I was sure that it was pain that I just had to get used to. Upon discussion with Keith at Active Health and Fitness, I decided to try a rehabilitation fitness program.

With Keith’s encouragement and guidance, I was able to ease the pain and within about 8 months I was not only pain free, but my knees were better than they have ever been. Keith and I then spent the next 6 months continuing the knee rehabilitation program, until I was able to understand and trust in myself that my knees were now strong and I was able to do things without hesitation or fear of a knee relapse.

I always thought that each time my knees had more problems, I was just going to have to “learn to live with it”, but thanks to Active Health and Fitness I am now able to care for my two young children in a fit and healthy, pain free way.



I have been a client of Active Health and Fitness for 3 years now. Through those 3 years, Keith’s training has given me the skills, ability and confidence to be able to reach state level in my sport. Keith’s ability to identify areas that need improvement is invaluable, he has improved my running style, weights technique and most importantly, my dietary intake.

I would highly recommend anyone of any fitness level who is looking for a Personal Trainer to see Keith.

He is able to provide a complete health and training experience for all.


Exercising and eating right was not a priority for me 7 months ago. I found it hard being a shift worker and living on my own. So at the ripe old age of 21 I had considered myself overweight for my age and that I was just going to be bigger than my friends and I should just live with it.

I was also a smoker, which brought along its own set of challenges.I was beginning to hate my personality and lifestyle choices and realised I needed to fix myself up – quickly.

I wanted to have the energy that I used to have a few years ago. So I bit the bullet and met Kim to get the ball rolling.

I have now been training for the last 7 months with Kim and I can hardly recognise myself. I can’t believe what I was like just a short time ago compared to how I look and feel now!


We were both tired and overweight. We had tried joining a Gym but didn’t have the self-motivation to really get ourselves back into shape.We joined Active Health and Fitness with personal trainer Keith Brown.

Keith has tailored our training sessions to specifically suit our sporting interests (Motocross & Snowboarding) and health needs to ensure we got the best results.

As a result, we are now able to ride on the motocross track at 100% for WAY longer than our friends… they are all shocked when we are still going and they have to pull in for a rest.

We are both fitter and healthier than we have been in a long time, and we now also have the tools to be able to train and motivate ourselves to ensure we stay fit and healthy.

The Fitcamps run by Active Health and Fitness are ones that I would recommend to all – no matter their age or fitness level.

Each session is unique and is tailored to suit each individual’s needs and abilities. The session incorporate a mixture of weight work, cardio and resistance training.

In each of the sessions, both Kim and Keith share their knowledge and experience about exercise – why certain exercises are done, as well as sharing helpful nutritional information to help those who are wanting to lose some extra kilos.

I have completed 3 of the Fitcamps so far and have thoroughly enjoyed each of them and I can definitely say that I’ll be back for more!!


Explore Our Unique Transformation Packages

We are here and ready to support you to reach your health and fitness goals! Discover the next level in Personal Training designed for total mind and body transformation.

We combine personal training with hypnotherapy for LONG LASTING transformation!

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